For information about EdgeEX courses, reference Frequently asked questions — EdgeEX.
At times, the lesson quizzes may be challenging and you don't meet the passing threshold on the first try when pretesting is enabled. That's ok! The lesson activities will automatically unlock for you to complete and you'll have another chance to take the lesson quiz.
You can still review any (bypassed) activities not required if you want to study for your assessment, but any scores earned will not affect your overall grade in the course.
Then click Attendance Report on the left.
Each Course Report includes important information about activities, scores, and course grades. When your course has a target date to complete all your assignments, you'll also see assignment due dates, your current progress (Student Progress) and where you should be today (Target Progress).
To access your course report, click a course card from your home page, then click the Course Report button at the top right. The Course Report will prompt you to download the PDF, which can be saved an printed as needed.
If your teacher has granted you permission to the translation tool, you'll be able to translate any text on screen. Keep in mind that videos cannot be translated, only text can be translated.
Once you start an activity, in the upper-right corner you should see "English." Click the arrow next to it and select the language of your choice. If you don't see it listed, select More to see additional options. We recommend opening the transcript tab before you translate if you want to view the translations in another language.
Text translation in Career and Technology Education courses works a little differently. You can access the text translation feature using the translation button at the lower-left of the page: