Frequently asked questions — General


For information about EdgeEX courses, reference Frequently asked questions — EdgeEX.

How do I launch my course?
Each course assigned to you has a related card on your homepage. Click anywhere on the card to open up your course, also known as the Course Map. Or, you can simply click the Next Activity button to jump right into working on your course.
What if I am having an issue getting my AP textbook?
We understand that there are some textbook shortages this year. In an effort to alleviate some of the stress, we have compiled some documentation to help you:  
Why are some of my current lesson activities locked?
If you see locked activities in your current lesson but the quiz is unlocked, that usually means your course is set up for pretesting. The lesson activities will also include a gray alert that indicates the pretest is required. This means that you'll need to take the lesson quiz first and if you pass, you can skip the rest of the locked lesson activities!

At times, the lesson quizzes may be challenging and you don't meet the passing threshold on the first try when pretesting is enabled. That's ok! The lesson activities will automatically unlock for you to complete and you'll have another chance to take the lesson quiz. 

Why do some of my activities say "Not Required?"
On your Course Map, you may see activities with a Not Required label and a minus sign. In many cases, these are activities your teacher has allowed you to skip, also known as bypassing assignments.

You can still review any (bypassed) activities not required if you want to study for your assessment, but any scores earned will not affect your overall grade in the course.
Where can I find my Attendance Log?
Under your name in the upper-right corner, click Profile

Then click Attendance Report on the left.
Where can I find my Fitness Log?
Navigate to the Course Map for your Fitness course. Click the heart icon on the left navigation to access the Fitness Log.
What is a Course Report and where can I find mine?
For each course you are assigned, you will have access to a Course Report. This report can be used as an assignment calendar and includes details about all activities assigned to you. You can easily download it if you want to keep track of where you are in your course. And when your teacher adds a target date for you to complete your course, it will also include due dates for each assignment so you can stay on track to complete your work on time.

Each Course Report includes important information about activities, scores, and course grades. When your course has a target date to complete all your assignments, you'll also see assignment due dates, your current progress (Student Progress) and where you should be today (Target Progress).

To access your course report, click a course card from your home page, then click the Course Report button at the top right. The Course Report will prompt you to download the PDF, which can be saved an printed as needed.

How do I translate the lesson into another language?

If your teacher has granted you permission to the translation tool, you'll be able to translate any text on screen. Keep in mind that videos cannot be translated, only text can be translated.

Once you start an activity, in the upper-right corner you should see "English." Click the arrow next to it and select the language of your choice. If you don't see it listed, select More to see additional options. We recommend opening the transcript tab before you translate if you want to view the translations in another language.

Text translation in Career and Technology Education courses works a little differently. You can access the text translation feature using the translation button at the lower-left of the page:

How do I get the read-aloud to work in another language?
If your teacher has given you permission to translate text and also to the read-aloud feature, you'll be able to have the read-aloud tool translated to other languages.
What does the Chat with a Tutor button do?
If your course has the Concept Coaching feature, you will have a Concept Coaching icon on your course tiles.
Tutoring Tile.jpg
When you click the Chat with a Tutor button within an activity, you'll be taken to a chat screen in a separate window or tab. You can chat with a Concept Coach for help with the activity you are working on.
Chat With Tutor Button Edge Course.jpg
How do I access the Guided Notes?
Within the Course Map, expand the lesson name menu to find the Guided Notes for that lesson.